Film Series on Puerto Rican Folk Music to Continue Next Thursday, November 1st 2012

Photo Manuel Frau
William Cumpiano speaks to a group of Holyokers ahead of the screening of the film The Puerto Ricans and Their Stringed Instruments, Vol I. Cumpiano shared information on the Cuatro Project and the making of the only documentary on the Puerto Rican cuatro.

Miguel González "Pico de Oro"
From Cidra To Springfield: Miguel González, The “Golden Beak” (Wilfredo Echevarría)
The film follows the life and career of Miguel González, a traditional jíbaro décima singer who was the past Grand Marshall of the New York City Puerto Rican Day Parade. Transplanted from his family home in Cidra, Puerto Rico, to Springfield, Massachusetts—where he has lived most of his life—González has continued the old ways of décima troubadours and still performs on stages across the State. (25 minutes, Spanish with English subtitles)

The Puerto Rican Décima (Myriam Fuentes) (Info in Spanish)
On the 400th anniversary of Don Quixote, a group of renowned décima troubadours came together to pay homage to the most eminent work of literature in the Spanish language and to revive the “Mesa Redonda” or Round Table: a challenging competition among the best décima poets who are expected to compose verses on the fly. (25 minutes, Spanish with English subtitles)

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